对于字体爱好者来说,《字体和图形样式的视觉史》这本综合的书提供了从1628年到20世纪中期的字体设计的全面概述。衍生自一个杰出的荷兰系列,一系列精美的设计目录通过罗马体、斜体、粗体、半粗体、窄体和宽体来追溯印刷字体的演变。还包括边框、美化、首字母和装饰,以及平版印刷的例子、标语设计人员设计的字母、铭文雕文和书法家。本书的**部分涵盖20世纪前的字体,由编辑Cees de Jong和收藏家JanTholenaar撰文。第二部分则涵盖1900年至20世纪中期的字体,由Alston W. Purvis撰写的历史大纲。本书还包括以下各特色字体设计师:William Caslon, Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke,Peter Behrens, Rudolf Koch, Eric Gill, Jan van Krimpen, Paul Renner, JanTschichold, A. M. Cassandre, Aldo Novarese, 和AdrianFrutiger。本书为英文,法文和德文。
For The Love of Letters A history of fonts and graphic styles from 1628 to 1938 This comprehensive book offers a thorough overview of typeface design from 1628 to the mid-20th century. Derived from a distinguished Dutch collection, a series of exquisitely designed catalogues trace the evolution of the printed letter via specimens in roman, italic, bold, semibold, narrow, and broad fonts. Borders, ornaments, initial letters, and decorations are also included, along with lithographic examples, letters by sign writers, inscription carvers, and calligraphers. The first part of the book covers pre-20th century typeface, with texts by editor Cees de Jong and collector Jan Tholenaar. The second part covers the period from 1900 to the mid-20th century, and contains a historical outline by Alston W. Purvis. Featured type designers include: William Caslon, Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke, Peter Behrens, Rudolf Koch, Eric Gill, Jan van Krimpen, Paul Renner, Jan Tschichold, A. M. Cassandre, Aldo Novarese, and Adrian Frutiger. Text in English, French, and German