在成为广受好评的电影制片人之前,斯坦利·库布里克曾在《Look》雜誌 担任摄影师五年,拍摄了《奇爱博士》和《闪灵》等标志性电影。这位土生土长的布朗克斯人于
1945 年加入剧组,当时他年仅 17 岁,拍摄了人文主义的生活片段,颂扬和揭露纽约市及其居民。
300 张图像,其中许多是以前从未见过的,以及罕见的 Look 雜誌 样张和着茗摄影家 Lucy Sante 的介绍。
Before becoming the critically acclaimed filmmaker responsible for such iconic
films as Dr. Strangelove and The Shining, Stanley Kubrick spent five years as
a photographer for Look magazine. The Bronx native joined the staff in 1945,
when he was only 17 years old, and shot humanist slice-of-life features that
celebrate and expose New York City and its inhabitants. Through a Different
Lens reveals the keen and evocative vision of a burgeoning creative genius in
a range of feature stories and images, from everyday folk at the laundromat to
a day in the life of a debutant, from a trip to the circus to Columbia
University. It features around 300 images, many previously unseen, as well as
rare Look magazine tear sheets and an introduction by noted photography critic
Lucy Sante. These still photographs attest to Kubrick’s innate talent for
compelling storytelling, and serve as clear indicators of how this genius
would soon transition to making some of the greatest movies of all time.