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Lee Krasner: Living Colour,李·克拉斯纳:鲜活的色彩
ISBN: 9780500094082
Publisher出版社: Thames & Hudson
Language版别: 英文版English
Category分类: 艺术Art
Authors作者: Eleanor Nairne
Pub Date出版日期: 2019-05-30 00:00:00


本书与李·克拉斯纳(1908 - 1984)作品的**次欧洲回顾展同时出版。作为最早的抽象表现主义画家之一,克拉斯纳的重要性早已被她与杰克逊·波洛克的婚姻所掩盖。事实上,1956年波洛克的去世标志着她作为艺术家的复兴。



A new monograph on the life and work of an outstanding abstract expressionist painter, now emerging as one of the most important women artists of the 20th century.

This monograph accompanies the first European retrospective of the work of Lee Krasner (1908 1984). One of the original abstract expressionists, Krasner s importance has for too long been eclipsed by her marriage to Jackson Pollock. In fact, his death in 1956 marked her renaissance as an artist.

Over the course of more than five decades, Krasner continually scrutinized and reinvented her practice, giving her work formidable energy and impact. Her accomplishments began to be recognized toward the end of her life and in 1984 she became one of the few women artists to be given a solo exhibition at MoMA. As Krasner quipped about her belated recognition: I was a woman, Jewish, a widow, a damn good painter, thank you, and a little too independent .

This volume features an outstanding selection of her most important paintings, collages and drawings, contextualized by photography from the post-war period, an illustrated chronology, and includes an unpublished interview with her biographer Gail Levin. Tracing her evolution as an artist from her earliest self-portraits to the acclaimed little image series, from her 1950s collages to epic painterly canvases this book offers a vivid impression of one of the most tenacious women artists of the 20th century, whose work and life feels more relevant than ever today.

Table of Contents

Foreword Introduction Essay by John Yau Essay by Katy Siegel Essay by Amy Sillman 1. Becoming Lee 2. War Service 3. Little Images 4. Collages 5. From Earth Green to Umber 6. Primary Late Career Interview Lee Krasner with Gail Levin Illustrated Chronology

