罗西•桑德斯经常被称为最杰出的画家,因为她画出了世界上最有名的水果的。多年来她一直致力于研究这本书,并对苹果进行了一小时又一小时的细致观察。在144幅精美的水彩画中,她描绘了Beauty of Bath, Peasgood Nonsuch, Cox's Orange Pippin和Egremont Russet等品种的形状、颜色和质地,其范围之广无人能及。
Rosie Sanders, often described as the best painter of the world's most famous fruit, has devoted years to researching this book and submitting the apples to hour upon hour of meticulous observation. In 144 beautifully detailed watercolours she depicts the unrivalled range of form, colour and texture which characterize such varieties as Beauty of Bath, Peasgood Nonsuch, Cox's Orange Pippin and Egremont Russet.
Painted with their blossom, twig and leaf, Rosie offers detailed descriptions of each apple's aroma, flavour and season as well as something of the history of each variety. The book is enhanced by a practical essay on apple growing by Harry Baker, fruit officer for many years at the Royal Horticultural Society and one of Britain’s foremost authorities on apple growing.