友谊是我们人生中最棒的礼物之一,交朋友也是最重要的技能之一! 小棕熊知道,有一个可以依靠的朋友会让一切变得不一样。但是,要交到好朋友,重要的是自己就要成为一个好朋友。通过这些通用的智慧之言,释放同理心和善意的力量。
Friendship is one of life’s greatest gifts –
and one of its most important skills! As Little Brown Bear knows, having a friend to rely on makes all the difference in the world. But in order to have good friends, it’s important to be a good friend. Unlock the power of empathy and kindness with these universal words of wisdom, from popular instagram artist AnneliesDraws.
Simple, poignant messages about how we can be better friends are illustrated with AnneliesDraws’ adorable, on-trend vintage-
style artwork. The inspirational words remind young ones and the young at heart important truths about understanding one another's needs.