The Typodarium 2023 focuses on icons, dingbats and icons, that a typeface contains. Symbols that differ from the ductus, the motif, the grid or the form of the typeface. We invited 236 type designers from 34 countries all over the world to participate in the new Typodarium, which comes along with a delicately balanced color scheme and a box in fresh green color combination.
Typodarium 2023年日历侧重于图标和字体所包含的装饰标识。这些符号不同于一般的图形,图案和网格设计。在Typodarium新推出的日历中,我们邀请了来自世界各地34个国家的236名字体设计师参与设计,同时还配有精美平衡的配色方案和清新的绿色包装盒。