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杂志Magazine美树本晴彦 角色设定画集亚洲插画家青幻舍Seigensha360°BOOK童心异想世界gestalten:自然之作 心的感受PHAIDON:穿越世纪的美学探索限量艺术善本十周年七夕送礼求生指南寺田克也中国巡回活动Rizzoli:夏艺多巴胺Rizzoli:重现黄金时代最酷的大小孩善本自版Thames & Hudson:纸上艺术馆你是哪一“PIE”?TASCHEN:打破艺术距离你好,生活家!Prestel:经典艺术史·从文艺复兴到后现代Yale University Press:追寻真理之光导演的洞见演员的剖析电影幕后制作特辑影视创造指南定格的时光Thames & Hudson:纸上艺术馆(1)史蒂文·麦柯里个人作品集世界美食Phaidon:跨越星辰 致敬经典Thames & Hudson:沉醉艺术世界Laurence King:创意领跑Hoxton Mini Press限量版-艺术限量版-摄影限量版-表演艺术限量版-设计限量版Rizzoli:穿梭时空的时尚之旅小老鼠波波DK宝贝触摸书苏斯博士 Dr. Seuss立体翻翻书你好,世界艺术大师启蒙小指南大人物小人物,大梦想皮特猫小饼干洞洞书滑动看抽拉书吉竹申介埃尔维·杜莱艾瑞·卡尔马里恩·杜查斯贝娅特丽丝乔恩·克拉森孤独星球奥利弗·杰弗斯乐高凯迪克奖马克马丁博洛尼亚童书奖纽伯瑞奖其他获奖绘本我的小小外文童书馆普利兹克建筑奖luster出版社Abrams:接受吧 艺术投喂折纸艺术翻翻书青幻舍:光与影之舞Little Gestaltengestalten: 岂止于书善本出版14周年时尚课外读物TASCHEN40周年TASCHEN2022TASCHEN2023taschenPIE探寻中东欧艺术略影人,诗意地栖居Octopus出版集团线上书展时尚永不眠耶鲁大学出版社带你看历史PRESTEL:“经典”是一种集体认同感把别人的理想,过成自己的日常Sendpoints(2022)SendPoints来一场艺术大巡游!Phaidon2023Phaidon2023Phaidon你好,世界Prestel 艺术大师启蒙小人物,大梦想Templar 翻翻书天才名人系列Abrams Block纸板书Templar 欢迎来到博物馆Workman 迷你书屋Twirl 拉玩书Thames & Hudson 立体翻翻书Usborne 有声书Chronicle 触摸书吉竹申介 Shinsuke Yoshitake马里恩·杜查斯 Marion Deuchars贝娅特丽丝·阿勒玛尼娅 Beatrice Alemagna乔恩·克拉森 Jon Klassen马克·马丁 Marc Martin菲丽希缇·塞拉 Felicita Sala奥利弗·杰弗斯 Oliver Jeffers凯迪克奖博洛尼亚童书奖纽伯瑞奖其他获奖绘本童心启航 跨阅未来 Read for FunQuarto出版社活动Quarto:始于彩页 跨越万里时尚大牌的宠儿 RizzolABRAMS建筑主题线上书展Little Gestalten2021城市出逃计划 City Escape Plan青幻舍 Seigensha青幻舍 Seigensha(1)PIE(2022)PIE(2023)PIE摄影线上书展TASCHENSendpoints善本出版Sendpoints生活在伊甸园PRESTEL:艺术是生活的镜子彩图,为书籍添上吸引力百年传承的真理之光百年传承的真理之光吃掉艺术馆跨时空艺术之旅Rizzoli:艺术之光,有界无限Rizzoil:艺术之光,有界无限Abrams:夏艺派对,向书出发Walker:好奇心·艺趣纸旅TASCHENTheQuartoGroupYalePrestel创造可能性:安藤忠雄上海见面会点燃设计大爆炸·善本图书快闪店**站华裔设计师刘扬巡回演讲【安藤忠雄——亚洲的未来】上海保利大剧院讲演活动回顾寺田克也中国巡回活动TASCHEN x 上海西岸艺术与设计博览会
【NYT. 36 Hours】 USA & Canada, West,【纽约时报 36小时】美国与加拿大的西海岸
ISBN条码: 9783836539401
Publisher出版社: TASCHEN
Language版别: 英文版English
Category分类: 生活Lifestyle

Beauty and the beach: The ultimate guide for West Coast weekendersWith its seasoned writers, original destinations, and expert eye for getting the most of a place on a tight schedule, The New York Times much-loved 36 Hours column has set new standards for the weekend adventure since 2002. In this regional collection, TASCHEN presents the best 36 Hours itineraries all along the West Coast, from Maui, Hawaii, to Homer, Alaska.Whether you re after a romantic beach getaway or a dose of the great outdoors, an adrenaline fix or relaxed Northern Californian vibes, discover perfectly packaged programs to make the most of your Friday through Sunday. From kayaking through Kachemak Bay to bird-watching for night herons in Hawaii, each itinerary promises expert insights on the West s best eats, drinks, and experiences."


Since 1994, Creative Director Giovanni Bianco has dedicated his unique artistic vision to the worlds of fashion, luxury and entertainment. In 2001, he formed Studio 65, where together with a team of artistic minds and innovative spirits, he serves a high profile, multinational clientele. High end labels like Versace, Miu Miu and Zegna number only a few of those that rely on the Studio s expertise to communicate their brands. In addition, Giovanni Bianco and his Studio have successfully used their savoir-faire to collaborate with Madonna on numerous projects since 2004.

Barbara Ireland, a writer and editor based in western New York State, is a former deputy travel editor and deputy Op-Ed page editor at The New York Times. While on the Times staff, she commissioned and edited many "36 Hours" columns and wrote a few herself. She is a graduate of Cornell University and was a John S. Knight journalism fellow at Stanford University.

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: TASCHEN ( 2016-06-04 )

Language: English

ISBN-13: 978-3836539401

Product Dimensions: 17.5 x 1.8 x 24.1 cm

Taschen (Author)
